Olympia Poker Tour Rules and Regulations

The Olympia Poker Tour will consist of 8 regular season games. We will track finishing places of all participants after each game and hold a "Championship Event" after eight regular season games. As many participants as have played throughout the regular season will be invited to participate in the finals. There will also be a "Points Pot" bonus prize also based upon the past finishing spots of those participants.

Registration: Players are requested to register via OlympiaPokerTour.com. Registration is open for ALL 8 games of the season at all times, however a player may only be registered for one event at a time. A player is eligible to sign up for the next event as soon as they are eliminated from the event they are currently participating in. This allows an equal opportunity for players to reserve seats in future games if the current game is full. If a player is unable to sign up via the website, please text Robert to secure your seat.

Game: Game will be No Limit Texas Hold ‘em.

Seating: The table seats a maximum of 8. Seating will be drawn at random to prevent any strategic advantages.

Rounds & Breaks: Rounds will be :20 minutes with a :15 minute break after every third round. If a player must take a break that is not scheduled the player will continue to be dealt in and blinded(& anted) out until they return, unless the table (majority) agrees to pause the timer and take an unscheduled break.

Buy-Ins: Regular Season Buy-ins will be $44.00. Each Player will start with 20,000 chips. $40 for the current game and $4 going to the points race pot. The championship event will be $80 with each player receiving 30,000 chips. $70 going to the current event, $10 going to the points race pot.

Re-buys and Add-ons: Re-buys will be permissible and unlimited through the 6th round. Re-buys will only be available to players who have either busted (zero chips) OR have fewer than 20,000 chips. If a player with fewer than 20,000 purchases a re-buy it costs the full $44.00, but they forfeit any chips they currently posses (example: I have 4,000 left and it is the end of round 6. I may spend $44 and I will receive 16,000 to top me up to 20,000, if I have 19,000 I only receive 1,000) There will be no Add-ons in this game.

Dealers: Each player will deal when it is their turn. If a player is eliminated from the tournament and would like to become permanent dealer, that is permissible.

Payouts & rakes: Before each game's payouts are made the following rakes will be taken from that evening's pot and distributed as follows: $4 from every $44 buy in will raked and set aside for the points pot. 10% of the evening's total pot (excluding points pot) will be raked, set aside, and added to the Championship Event pot. THE HOUSE DOES NOT TAKE A RAKE.

Regular season events will consist of the following payout structure: 3rd - 15%, 2nd - 25%, 1st - Remaining cash (In the event that only 5 players are present, 1st - 70%, 2nd - 30%, 3rd - 0%)

Regular season payout example: 7 players x $44/ea = $308, $4 from each player for the points pot adds $28 to the points pot. $308-$28 = $280, 10% of that evening's $280 pot is $28 . That $28 is added to the Championship event pot. $280-$28=$252. 3rd place gets 15% of 252 = 37.8 (rounds up to $38) , 2nd place gets 25% of 252 = 63, 1st place gets the remaining cash $252-$38-$63 = $151 for 1st place that evening.

Regular Season Events: Must consist of at minimum 5 players and be approved by the OPT commissioner. In the event that a regular season event does not qualify, it will not be rescheduled, and that evening's game will be played as though it is a standard home game. No monies will go to the championship event pot or the points pot.

Point System: Points will be awarded after every regular season event to determine which players have qualified for the final table and to determine the seasonal points champion. Points will be kept track by the league commissioner and will be updated on the OPT website prior to the next regular season event. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st = 10, 2nd =8, 3rd = 6, 4th = 4, 5th = 2, 6th,7th, & 8th = 1

Championship Event: The championship event will consist of a $80.00 buy in for 30,000 chips. Any player who participated in a regular season event will be invited to participate. A player must play in a minimum of one event to be eligible for the championship event. As many tables as are needed to accommodate the player base will be provided. Seats and tables will be drawn at random to prevent any strategic advances

Championship event will consist of the following payout structure: 4th - $60, 3rd - $80, 2nd - 25% of remaining cash, 1st - All remaining cash

Championship Event payout example: 8 players x $80/ea = $640, $10 from each player for the points pot adds $80 to the points pot. $640-$80 = $560, (with a hypothetical $224 added to the pot over the course of the season), $560+$224= $784 total pot - 4th - $60, 3rd - $80, 2nd - gets 25% of remaining $644 = 161, 1st place gets remaining cash $784-60-80-161 = $483 for The Champion.

Points race: The top eight qualify for the final points race. $4 from each buy-in and/or re-buy per event, and $10 from each buy-in or re-buy in the final event, will be put into the points race pot, the players with the most points after all events (including Championship event) will take home a portion of the points pot.

Points race payouts are as follows: 1st - 60%, 2nd - %25, 3rd - 15% If any ties in the points standings should occur, a winner will be determined by the following tiebreakers. 1st - Average finishing place to 2 decimal points. If still tied, 2nd - Total knockouts for the season. If still tied, 3rd - CHOP THE POT 50/50